Thursday, June 18, 2009

Students DO drink more than we did!

When we talk about student parties and drinking on campus, I often fall back on the idea that I was a fairly big partier in college myself.  I think I survived and have done alright.  

However, a new study suggests that problems have actually gotten worse in the last decade.  Higher binge drinking, drinking and driving, and alcohol-related deaths make me think that this is a problem beyond those of my day.

When we think about educational reform, standards, and accountability, we have to think about this huge problem.  How can we break the cycle of drunkenness and disrespect for education that is becoming every more pervasive?


Malmoun said...

"How can we break the cycle of drunkenness and disrespect for education that is becoming every more pervasive?"

By making sure that actions have consequences. As long as those who party to excess suffer poor grades and frustration, all is well. Only if we adopt an assinine "everyone deserves to graduate no matter what" view is it a problem. Losers who do not understand the stupidity of neglecting their work to party will reap what they sow: a lifetime of sub-par employment.

Working To Make A Living said...

"Losers who do not understand the stupidity of neglecting their work to party will reap what they sow: a lifetime of sub-par employment."

The following article by Joe Bageant in Counter PUnch sums Malmouns attitude.