This letter ran in the Northwestern on Tuesday. The student complains that there are no Republican events on campus.
I don't know what is going out on the student email lists, but the biggest initiative on campus is the American Democracy Project, which is a non-partisan attempt to register students and get them engaged in the process. I have seen the posters around campus, so I imagine they are one of the tables in Reeve that the author is complaining about.
Ironically, when I look at this campus I see apathy across the spectrum. Compared to almost every other campus that I have been on, there is NO student activism. It would be great for the atmosphere around here if there were really were raucous rallies in support of candidates for president. To see students join in something with real passion and enthusiasm would make my day!
Instead, we see most of our students sort of shuffle through class with little emotion or engagement--too busy with jobs or sports or parties to pay much attention to the large, important issues we face.
This student should get involved with the Campus Republicans, organize some speakers, and make her voice heard on campus. If she had the energy to write the paper, why hasn't this turned into activism here??