Friday, February 08, 2008

Budget Crisis Looming: Lets Raise Administrators' Pay!!

The Journal-Sentinal reports that the Regents have decided to raise the pay range of UW system chancellors.  The largest raise is a whopping 66% increase for UW Madison, but all the others' new range is at least 10% higher.

We recieved the notice from the Chancellor about watching our spending because of a slowing Wisconsin economy.  Now, we have the tone-deaf regents getting ready to raise the pay of administrators as the rest of the state prepares for cuts.

Why do administrators think they deserve so much money anyway?  Apparently the current crop are doing an awful job at their pay level and we need to encourage better applicants.  At least that is the excuse. . . .  Maybe we can cut a few more faculty lines to pay for the fat raises!


Anonymous said...

Yep... Always happens right before a budget crunch. System has sort of a "let them eat cake" opinion of other employees NOT in positions of power.

Anonymous said...

All public sector employees (union and non union) need to get a grasp of their entire compensation package. There is no way we taxpayers can continue to fund rising wages and benefits doled out to public employees.

In Oshkosh, city employees receive 95% of their healthcare costs paid by taxpayers. The actual employee only funds 5%! That is a crime!!

Something must be done to stop this crime, but I fear with a Democratic movement and a likely Democrat winning the White House, it isn't likely that a strong stand against bloated unions will occur anytime soon.

We middleclass Americans are caught. On one hand we have Bloated Greedy Corporations and on the other we have Bloated Greedy Public Sector Unions.

Anonymous said...

University professors are not union members. Nor do we have as nice a package as Oshkosh city employees

Anonymous said...

Public employees typically make less than those in the private sector in exchange for better benefits. So, yes, public employees do have a "grasp of their entire compensation package." Additionally, public employees do not receive Christmas bonuses, can't just go in and ask for a raise because because they are doing more work, and most university employees have higher education requirements than the average worker.