Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Good news -- no more budget cuts next year!

Tom Sonnleitner just announced that we won't have to make any more cuts for the 2006-2007 school year. Always good to hear! I wonder if we will be able to do any more searches.

Here is the text of his announcement:

We are now mid-way through fiscal year 2005-2006, and at this time we release our annual budget planning for fiscal year 2006-07. I am pleased to report that we do not anticipate a need this year for further budget reductions. Barring unforeseen catastrophic financial events, our budget planning for 2005-06 has provided adequate reserves to meet any minor budget lapses during 2006-07. Thanks to the good planning and excellent cooperation of the campus, we have been spared a mid-biennium budget correction.

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